Jason and I attended a wedding a few nights ago at Dress Pavilion at Devou Park. The ceremony was in the gazebo outside and then the reception was inside immediately following. It has such a beautiful view of the city at night. Anyway as the groom danced with his mother I got to thinking. I am a lucky girl because one day I will get to have three dances when my sons grow up and get married.
I hate how the seasons seem to just run right into each other. Not only speaking of weather but holidays and such. School supplies are already on the shelves and it feels like the kids just started their summer break. Soon I will be purchasing uniforms for two kids and buying crayons, pencils and glue. I think I even saw a Halloween decoration out when I was a the dollar store the other day. Life is in full swing.
While shopping at Kroger's the other day I saw King's Island tickets on sale. I stopped and added up what the cost would be for our family and quickly decided it was to great to spend right now at their ages. The next day when I went into work there was a sign posted that our company picnic was going to be held at King's Island. I was so excited to say the least and hurried to call home and share the news. Jason. Me, Ethan and Jude will be going for the day. I will find a sitter for the younger two since they will not enjoy it as much as us. By the way I am looking for a sitter that day if any of you blog readers are interested.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
For the past year since we moved into this home are finished basement has been the toy room. For the past year of it being a toy room it has been a mess 90% of the time and they don't want to play down there 80% of the time. I am not sure totally why that is except for the facts that 1. who wants to play in a mess 2. Kids always seem to want to be by the adults. I can remember playing in my playroom for hours when I was growing up. What can be better than having an entire room dedicated to toys and ours even comes with a bathroom. Anyway much to my dismay I have decided to try letting them have some of their toys in their rooms. Hopefully this will go over better since they seem to enjoy playing in their rooms. They are also required to straighten up their rooms daily so this should keep the mess to a minimum. I am going to still keep some of the toys down stairs and will problem go through and purge some toys or pack some away. Our thoughts our to put a couch and chairs down there by the tv. We have an air hockey table and a dart board(for adults obvisouly and darts will be secured between uses). It will be a family game room so to speak. Wish me luck!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Home Depot Kids Workshop
Pics of what we have been up to lately
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Family Updates
I think I will start from youngest to oldest this time.
Aubrey went for her 9 month check up yesterday. I know I can't believe she is 9 months already. She is doing well and growing like a weed. She weighs 20 pounds and is 29 1/2 inches long. She is sitting up and rolling around but no crawling or pulling up on furniture yet. She does scoot backwards a little when she is on her belly. I can't say that it makes me sad she is not mobile. She is eating like a little piggy. All her fruits and vegetables. We will probably start meats in the next couple weeks. She claps her hands and even on cue. She says la la la la and mouths Da Da Da. We are working on bye bye.
Caleb is a little stinker as always. He is into everything and you always have to keep your eye on him. He likes to pretend to cook but unfortunately wants to use the real oven. We have melted Legos not realizing they were in there. He also loves to put together his flexible race track and loves his babies. His babies are his stuffed animals. He carries them around and rocks them. Puts them in Aubrey rocker and hugs and kisses them saying " Awe Baby". I love that he has such a sweet little sensitive side. He also is in love with the Zoo and is finally starting to venture into the pool a little more(we could barely get him in the water last year).
Jude is enjoying the summer. His hair is white blond and he is working on is golden tan. Which he doesn't have to work to hard. He is into fixing his hair lately. He gets up everyday and and uses Jason's gel to fix his hair. I just did hair cuts and left the top longer so he could spike it. He really enjoyed bible school and is looking forward to starting Kindergarten in the Fall. He is becoming a really good underwater swimmer and is a pretty good bowler.
Ethan is really growing into a big boy. Even though he can push the limits sometimes he really can be a good boy and very helpful. He is also enjoying his summer vacation and becoming very tan. He loves the diving board and slides at the pool. I think he will probably be a dare devil child judging by the rides he chose to ride at our towns festival. He is becoming a more confident reader and excellent at math. He also just lost another tooth on the bottom and has three more that are getting close.
Jason and I are doing great. Busy as usual with work and home life. We have a big to do list of projects we would like to get done around the house this summer.
We are having fun going through our summer fun list. We have spent several days at the splash park and pool, gone bowling, visited the zoo several times, enjoyed our week at VBS and afternoons at the park. Our 4th of July weekend is packed with parties and a Home Depot workshop on Saturday morning.
Aubrey went for her 9 month check up yesterday. I know I can't believe she is 9 months already. She is doing well and growing like a weed. She weighs 20 pounds and is 29 1/2 inches long. She is sitting up and rolling around but no crawling or pulling up on furniture yet. She does scoot backwards a little when she is on her belly. I can't say that it makes me sad she is not mobile. She is eating like a little piggy. All her fruits and vegetables. We will probably start meats in the next couple weeks. She claps her hands and even on cue. She says la la la la and mouths Da Da Da. We are working on bye bye.
Caleb is a little stinker as always. He is into everything and you always have to keep your eye on him. He likes to pretend to cook but unfortunately wants to use the real oven. We have melted Legos not realizing they were in there. He also loves to put together his flexible race track and loves his babies. His babies are his stuffed animals. He carries them around and rocks them. Puts them in Aubrey rocker and hugs and kisses them saying " Awe Baby". I love that he has such a sweet little sensitive side. He also is in love with the Zoo and is finally starting to venture into the pool a little more(we could barely get him in the water last year).
Jude is enjoying the summer. His hair is white blond and he is working on is golden tan. Which he doesn't have to work to hard. He is into fixing his hair lately. He gets up everyday and and uses Jason's gel to fix his hair. I just did hair cuts and left the top longer so he could spike it. He really enjoyed bible school and is looking forward to starting Kindergarten in the Fall. He is becoming a really good underwater swimmer and is a pretty good bowler.
Ethan is really growing into a big boy. Even though he can push the limits sometimes he really can be a good boy and very helpful. He is also enjoying his summer vacation and becoming very tan. He loves the diving board and slides at the pool. I think he will probably be a dare devil child judging by the rides he chose to ride at our towns festival. He is becoming a more confident reader and excellent at math. He also just lost another tooth on the bottom and has three more that are getting close.
Jason and I are doing great. Busy as usual with work and home life. We have a big to do list of projects we would like to get done around the house this summer.
We are having fun going through our summer fun list. We have spent several days at the splash park and pool, gone bowling, visited the zoo several times, enjoyed our week at VBS and afternoons at the park. Our 4th of July weekend is packed with parties and a Home Depot workshop on Saturday morning.
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